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6 Ways to Ease Your Spring Allergies Naturally

Updated: May 9, 2020

If your car isn't already covered in a layer of pollen, it's only a matter of time. Spring is here, along with the sneezing and watery eyes that accompany it. It's a small price to pay for warmer weather and gorgeous blooms everywhere -- but it can still be quite the annoyance if you don't keep your allergy symptoms under control.

Thankfully, there are natural ways to ease your spring allergies that are simple to find and can bring you the relief you seek.

Try apple cider vinegar

It's a remedy as old as time, one that really works. Apple Cider Vinegar with The Mother can assist with a host of issues, and by helping to lower inflammation in the body, it can help to quell some spring allergy symptoms that are nagging at you.

Make stinging nettle leaf tea

As a natural antihistamine, stinging nettle leaf is quite effective in blocking your histamine production. You can mix it with other herbs, like peppermint leaf, for added benefits. Take a stroll down the tea aisle next time you visit your supermarket and find a stinging nettle leaf tea to try out.

Restore the good bacteria in your gut

The gut has been shown to have a link to your immunity. Allergies often come about when there's a lack of balance in your gut microbiome. It could be that your good gut bacteria population is dwindling and needs a boost. Choose probiotic-rich foods such as high-quality yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, or drink kefir or kombucha daily to get your probiotics on and restore order in your gut. Aside from eating probiotic-rich foods, find a high-quality probiotic supplement that can help you restore your microbiome.

Use local honey

When you buy honey that is made locally, the bees are taking pollen from the native plants in your area. That means your body starts adapting to those same allergens that have you sneeze when you see that thick blanket of pollen on your car. Make sure the honey is raw and unprocessed. You'll find local stuff at your farmer's market or health food store. Take a teaspoon of it twice a day, ideally a month before allergy season getting into full swing.

Seek out anti-inflammatory foods

Often, the answer lies in the foods we eat. Put more fresh herbs and spices into your meals, like ginger, for example, and you'll help soothe inflammation before it has you sneezing. Green tea is another effective option, plus it gives you plenty of antioxidants which boost your health all around.

Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint...All three of these essential oils work well in alleviating seasonal allergy symptoms on their own, but mixing them can provide an even more significant benefit. Lemon is refreshing, making it immediately soothing to breathe in if you have an irritated respiratory tract. It also has natural antihistamine properties that can reduce inflammation.

Lavender has strong calming properties that also soothe irritation and inflammation.

Peppermint is fresh and cooling and will almost immediately open up your sinuses just through inhalation of this oil. It also works very well as a decongestant, meaning it will clear your airways.

With these natural ways to ease spring allergies, you'll hopefully be able to stop and smell the roses more often!


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Laura RDH, CHC

Certified Health & Lifestyle Coach

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